Heartmind Acupuncture
Heartmind Acupuncture with Kamala Quale, MSOM, LAc
Over the years I have found that stress, emotional issues, and times when our lives feel out of balance play a large role in the way we heal. That is why I pay special attention to listening for these issues when they arise. Healing goes hand in hand with discovering how we get in our own way of moving forward and becoming clear about the next steps to take to recover our vitality.
Illness and traumatic injury also pose their own set of emotional processes that need to be addressed to move through the difficulties they present.
In a HeartMind acupuncture session, in addition to using needles and touch to specific acupuncture points, I like to create a safe space to talk about your deepest concerns. I may ask you to pay closer attention to feelings, body postures and thoughts that arise during a session. I will guide you to use your awareness and intuition to reach a place of inner resourcefulness. From there the next steps to healing become more apparent.
The word heartmind means many things. Simply put, heartmind is a state of being. When we are in this state of being we feel more resourceful, wise and peaceful. The stimulation of acu-points either with needles or touch naturally relax body and mind and help to lead to this inner state of heartmind.
During a HeartMind acupuncture session:
- We focus awareness on mental and emotional patterning that may be influencing pain or illness. When you know what you are doing that helps or hurts the situation, you can choose how you behave in the future.
- We listen to your intuition (and mine), which reveals creative solutions to the problem. Your inner voice of wisdom helps you be more in touch with your boundaries and tolerances in any given moment.
- We help you connect with the abundance of healing energy in nature and absorb it, through imagination and sensation awareness. This is a qigong approach.
- We find ways to help you accept and love yourself as you are. This helps you drop limiting beliefs and manifest your goals with more vitality and joy.
New Patient Health Questionnaire
For Telehealth Bodymind Sessions, click here.
For Self-Care Acupressure, click here.
We are located in Eugene, Oregon. To set an appointment call (541) 345-2220 or email kquale@moonandlotus.com.
Many companies do cover acupuncture. Check with your insurance company about your particular policy. I am a preferred provider with Blue Cross Blue Shield, Providence Insurance, Pacific Source, MODA, and any companies that cover auto accidents. We bill these companies directly.
You can call my office with any questions (541) 345-2220.