(541) 520-5027 kquale@moonandlotus.com

Big Picture Post Category

Sunrise On The Atlantic

Sunrise On The Atlantic

Yesterday we got up early in Florida to see the sun rise out of the ocean and meditate by the sea. I was hoping it would jostle my mind a bit to see the opposite of what I am used to seeing on the west coast. I wasn’t prepared for the delight and surprise I felt when...

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Feeling the Blue Planet

Feeling the Blue Planet

I'm taking off in an airplane gazing out the window as we climb, bank, turn. The miracle of human flight. I remember the young man who sat beside me once and said those words. The mountain ranges, lakes, clouds and incredibly beautiful blue that radiates upwards...

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Indicators and Pictures of Resilience

Indicators and Pictures of Resilience

The news of political and environmental chaos is a daily occurrence. So it was a big relief to have a day that filled me with hope about our resilience in community. Here are some indicators and pictures that I hope convey something of that energy to you. It’s a...

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Quiet and Receptive in November

Quiet and Receptive in November

Several questions come to mind as I attempt to embody the inner environment suggested by hexagram 2, The Receptive, which is the symbol for the energy of November.  The six broken, or yin lines mean that this is the quietest time of the year and a time to be receptive...

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Feel With Your Soul

Feel With Your Soul

They call Rome the eternal city and I can see why. Life is flourishing here and has been for centuries.  Streets are filled with cars, buses, taxis and mopeds. Skillful taxi drivers maneuver in and out of tight spaces like water flowing around rocks. Crowds of people...

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