(541) 520-5027 kquale@moonandlotus.com

Embodied and Present

by | Sep 30, 2020 | Looking Inside

2020 has been a year that has tested us to the max. There has been the covid pandemic, renewed racial awareness, civic unrest, unruly political debates, increased fires and hurricanes. Many people have lost loved ones and their homes. There is a lot of grieving, fear, anger and resistance going on inside. Each of us has our own way of reacting and coping which may look like numbing out, getting distracted, complaining and criticizing, ignoring our feelings, over-working or getting lost in overwhelm.

How can we let go of reactivity and respond from a place of feeling truly present, authentic, and grounded in our physical being? I do not have answers, but I do know that we have many resources. Being comfortable and present in our bodies is one of the most tangible and least considered. To relax into the body with increased awareness of its messages and be able to shake off stress to release the nervous system is an important skill. When we relax, we can soften, open, change patterns and feel spacious in the body and mind. In this spaciousness we can find a fresh connection to ourselves, each other, and current life events. Even if we touch  into this greater source of inner spaciousness and creativity regularly for just a few moments at a time, we start to see that we can respond to outer chaos with greater confidence, better boundaries, and a steady sense of inner presence.

Beginning this Monday evening, Oct 5, I am offering a six week group for women to facilitate feeling embodied and present. It meets for three Mondays in October and three in November. We will practice movement with self-awareness in the form of qigong shaking and acupressure points to open key energy centers and sitting meditation to guide the mind away from distress and towards a deeper sense of inner vitality and presence. We will also have time to share our struggles, inspirations and creativity with each other.

This group meets from 6:30 pm – 8:15 pm. For exact dates and to register, click here: https://www.moonandlotus.com/event/monday-night-womens-self-care-and-meditation-group/

You can also watch videos for shaking and tapping to release stress here. https://www.moonandlotus.com/acupuncture-and-counseling/self-care-acupressure/




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