(541) 520-5027 kquale@moonandlotus.com

From One Heart to Another

by | Oct 20, 2018 | Looking Inside

Our Heart Protector meridian energy encompasses our capacity to be open, vulnerable and intimate with another human being, and to our own feelings, passions and inner spirit. It is also our ability to set a boundary in relationship and protect ourselves from hurt. We need both authentic openness as well as self-protection to have a heart protector gate that swings open and closes easily and appropriately.

In relationship to this, I was pleased to hear an interview on NPR’s show All things Considered, with Joel and Benji Madden, twins who started the band Good Charlotte.

This interview is a great example of opening to inner passions and spirit, as well as other Heart Protector qualities like loyalty, talking about authentic feelings, and reaching out in the spirit of compassion and warmth. Joel and Benji are talking about the music on their new album called Generation RX which came out of their desire to write music that is authentic and vulnerable and speaks to the pain they see manifesting in friends and young people in our culture. Their observations and advice extend to all of us because young people grow into young and older adults.

These young men were heartbroken by the death of their friend who overdosed on drugs and started looking at young people and asking why we self-medicate and distract ourselves with things like social media and prescription drugs, to look in the other directions rather than inward to what they are going through. “Young people are suffering inside and not addressing it.” In their music they talk about childhood trauma, depression, anxiety, bipolar and borderline personalities. “Things young people hide from each other everyday and are hard to talk about.”  The interviewer said that some of their music sounds like a love letter you can write to yourself.

Joel and Benji had a tough road in childhood and one suffered from alcohol addiction. They feel they came through it because they had each other by “luck and the grace of God.” At age 16 they pledged to stay together no matter what. They shook hands and never looked back. “It’s really hard to do this life, to be a human being, alone.” This need and ability to connect with important others in a way that connects us to our authentic self is in keeping with the spirit of the Heart Protector (aka Pericardium) meridian energy.

They hope their music will mentor young people who don’t have someone close. They feel it’s worth it “If only one kid puts on his headphones, listens to the music and feels, I’m going to be somebody. We are all human and need to have compassion for each other.”

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