Mentoring, Training and Supervision
Mentoring, Training and Supervision
Complement your acupuncture and Asian bodywork with simple and effective heartmind methods that help you observe, communicate and relate to your patients in a more comprehensive and healing way. Stop chasing symptoms and guide your patients to do the inner work that is necessary for optimal health.
Learn with a Personal Touch
Mentoring, Coaching, Supervision and Personal Work with Kamala
Many practitioners find that they learn best by working one-on-one with a teacher who can tailor the techniques to their individual practices and support and coach them as they integrate new skills. This can include experiencing the work on yourself with an individual online session with Kamala, discussing cases, going deeper into the skills themselves and learning new exercises to connect with the emotional and spiritual realms with your clients. For more information contact Kamala,, or 541-520-5027

Kamala Quale, MSOM, LAc.
Contact Kamala for more information.
541 520-5027

HeartMind Solutions is a clinical guide for Acupuncture and Asian Bodywork. Practitioners learn precise skills that enable them to make significant changes in health conditions by directing the patient’s awareness towards repetitive and unconscious behaviors that keep pain and mental stress in place. You also learn how to use these same methods to help patients deepen inner relaxation and clarity, so they are more aware of inherent virtues and wisdom like self-compassion, empathy and the next steps for healing. These skills can be easily integrated into your practice to make it more effective and used personally for guidance and insight.
CEU Video Classes
This Spring, 2023 look for my online Working with Grief class through Net of Knowledge. This class will help you put into practice the skills detailed in the three Working With Grief articles that appeared in Aupuncture Today in August, September and October, 2022. Click here to read the articles on my blog.
- “Bodystories: Releasing Shen Through Body Awareness” is a 4 hour online presentation available through the AOBTA Academy. Learn to help clients discover the “personal wisdom” in a pattern of tension and an inner resource in a pattern of expansion. Go to the AOBTA Academy and then choose Clinical Development.
4 PDA points from NCCAOM. - Watch the “Bodymind Skills That Assist Clients to Discover Themselves in the Moment” video below which teaches skills in the context of case studies.
BodyMind Skills that Assist Clients to Discover Themselves in the Moment
Learn methods to focus awareness internally and help clients discover the personal wisdom in patterns of tension, and inner resources in patterns of expansion.
- How to initiate and maintain mindfulness with clients
- Listen on multiple levels and formulate statements and questions that keep people in their inner felt experience to bring unconscious material to awareness
- How to work with an experimental attitude to foster partnership in the healing relationship
Click the image to the left to visit the AOBTA website to watch this free presentation.