(541) 520-5027 kquale@moonandlotus.com

Ongoing Weekly Qigong Practices

In these ongoing qigong classes, you will learn and practice classical movement forms that center and align body and mind, stretch the body to open the channels of energy, and expand and harmonize the breath to create overall balance and vitality. These practices establish a healthy pattern in the nervous system that reduces stress and helps us stay centered in the midst of outer turmoil.

In January and February, we are teaching forms from the Jin Jing Gong lineage of qigong. These are short, four-movement forms that emphasize stretching the tendons to open the body. A standing meditation, Universe Stance, is integrated between each movement, which invites us to experience our wholeness with life. These qigong movements teach our bodies to balance rest and activity, or yin and yang. This is an antidote to fight or flight tendencies in the nervous system and a method to regain center and alignment.

Instructors: Kamala Quale
Times: 8:30 am – 9:30 am ongoing Thursdays
Place: Friendly Park, corner of 27th and Monroe; 2745 Monroe St, Eugene, OR 97405
Fees: $10/class if you are not enrolled in any other qigong classes

Thursday practice is free for those who are registered for the Monday Night Women’s Group.

See the video here.

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